Chris Sumners

After working with Riley Andrews, for the past three months, I asked if I could help him get the word out about Elite Golf Schools of Arizona. He said he would appreciate my testimony. My testimony to his ability as a teacher isn’t about the success he has with junior golfers. That is self-evident. Look at the trophies, talk to the kids, ask the parents. They will tell you how great Riley and his team of instructors are doing with the future of golf. By the way watch these juniors on the range, the future looks pretty good. My testimony is about what he can also do with a seasoned golfer (59), with years of bad instruction, in transforming my swing and understanding how to play the game on the course. His ability not only to communicate, but demonstrate the simple yet complex aspect of the swing is the best I’ve listened to or have observed.
One of the first things that impressed me the most wasn’t his desire to impart his wisdom of golf instruction to me. In our first meeting he wanted to know what I wanted out of the game of golf and we sat down and committed my goals to paper. We then established a plan on how to attain those goals. He is not a one size fits all instructor. He takes what you bring (body type, age, flexibility, ect..) and begins to teach you why and how the body needs to function in order to consistently perform the golf swing. After a period of range, short game and putting green instruction, Riley takes you onto the course and teaches you how to transition from instruction to performance. This is the fun part. He teaches you how to stop thinking and start scoring which after all is the reason we play the game. When you are taught the mental/emotional side of the game, on the course, from a teacher that understands what it takes to play at a high level, golf becomes fun again!!!
My journey in the game of golf has impacted so many areas of my life. Lifelong friendships, business opportunities and health and wellness are just a few of the benefits I have received because of this great game. Understanding the game and playing well has always been very important to me. Riley Andrews and Elite Golf of Arizona is helping reach my potential in this game and they can do it for you.

Mark Gunning

I feel so fortunate to have been introduced to Riley Andrews this past April. He has given me, with respect to this crazy golf game we all love so much, new hope of being a lower handicap. I have been stuck in the 7 to 10 range for years and am always striving to get better.
I have been addicted to golf and its fundamentals since the early 80’s. I’ve had an obsession with working at the game and I actually enjoy practicing. Riley has made this all so much easier for me. Over the years, I have had the pleasure and opportunity to work with some of the game’s premier coaches. To mention a couple, Tiger Woods’ recent instructor and now TV celebrity, Hank Haney, who I just loved being in lessons with, is one example. Another quality coach I worked with with for years was Mike LeBauve, who also now writes for a national golf magazine. I worked with a few others in an attempt to improve and honestly had hundreds of lessons. It is with no disrespect when I say that…Elite Golf, most notably Riley Andrews, has helped me to finally understand how to swing the golf club. I now know what ‘analysis by paralysis’ truly means! His tension free approach to the swing has allowed my natural abilities to simply happen! I have NEVER, EVER hit a golf ball so pure, nor have I been able to simply connect with such a shallow and compressed attack as I can now. And the most amazing part is my progression happened immediately and my handicap is still on its way down! Thank you, Riley! I can’t wait for even more improvement!

Paul and Temmie Pikulthong

We have been sending our son to EGS since he was 8 years old and could not be happier. After spending a few months seeking out the right person to mentor our son in this tough sport, we have found that there is nothing that compares to how Riley and his staff teach the game to youngsters. Riley and his team care and relate well to the kids. Their hands-on experience playing competitive golf is so valuable to his improvement. I recommend Elite Golf Schools to any parent who would like their child to love the game while also having the correct approach playing it competitively.

Jason and Shannon Wilson

Elite Golf Schools of Arizona has become a home away from home for our 13-year old son.The coaches have created a welcoming, yet challenging learning environment for junior golfers, where they can continue to grow and excel through group classes and private lessons. The friendly competition among the students has helped to push our son to the next level.The coaches are caring, supportive and nurturing to his individual needs, and we especially appreciate their support at local tournaments.Our son is thriving in this program because of the personal attention he receives, which definitely sets them apart from other junior programs in the Phoenix area.

Dan & Carrie Beyer

I am writing this letter as a recommendation for Elite Golf Schools of Arizona. Approximately a year ago, I had registered my son Bryan Beyer into this prestigious program. As a parent you want the best for your children and you work to guide your child to be respectful, considerate, set achievable goals and encounter great morals and life values.
Elite Golf Schools’ program is just that. It’s not only a program to teach great golf skills but also life skills. Bryan has grown into a well-rounded young man due to EGS’s leadership and dedication to making their juniors successful. Bryan is taking what he is learning at EGS and implementing it at school, home, and anywhere he goes. Bryan has shown great growth in his personal development and golf game due to EGS.
Bryan has never played golf until a year ago. In this short amount of time, EGS has enabled him to excel at his game with great rewards. He has qualified for many tournaments such as U.S. Kids, JGAA, and the Dual in the Desert in Las Vegas due to the skills he is learning from EGS. This has made him want to continue to excel at golf and his personal development.
As a parent I cannot say enough about the exceptional leadership and skills that Bryan has encountered from EGS. This program teaches not only the game golf but valuable life lessons that will enable young girls and boys to excel in life. I have complete confidence that there is no other program that is as dedicated to young players as Elite Golf Schools. If you want your child to learn not only great golf but life lessons too, then I recommend you sign-up for EGS.

Mirandi Hoffman

I am writing this letter as a recommendation for Elite Golf Schools of Arizona. Approximately a year ago, I had registered my son Bryan Beyer into this prestigious program. As a parent you want the best for your children and you work to guide your child to be respectful, considerate, set achievable goals and encounter great morals and life values.
At our first consultation with Riley Andrews of Elite Golf Schools, we were very impressed with Riley’s background and knowledge but most of all the energy,excitement,and his love for the game that he possesses. In the past year that Claire has been with this program, the dedication and hard work of Riley and his associate Justin Searles has proved to make Claire’s game successful. Both Riley and Justin want their athletes to be successful; both of these gentlemen are dedicated to making this happen.
Claire started her first season of high school golf shooting in the 70’s for 9 hole matches and continued to hover in the 60’s and 70’s throughout her first season. It was a struggle and painful to watch. After lessons this past year with Riley and Justin, Claire is consistently shooting in the low 40’s and 50’s for 9 holes. Keep in mind she has been able to shave 30 strokes off her score each match comparing where she was playing last season to the current season. Claire was also able to qualify to go to state individually for her division.
I would highly recommend Elite Golf Schools of Arizona to anyone who wants to improve their golf game. Riley and Justin have provided Claire a fun and positive atmosphere to learn and build confidence mentally and physically in herself. Claire’s skill level has improved tremendously. As a parent you can only imagine how proud I am when coaches and parents say, “I remember your daughter picking up quite a bit last year”, and “she has really improved” I make sure to let them know that she takes lessons at Elite Golf Schools of Arizona. I am sure by this letter you can understand how proud Claire is of the accomplishment she has made with the help of Elite Golf Schools!

Ed Cowell

Once upon a time and not so long ago,actually it was sometime in the first quarter of 2015,I was being observed by Mr. Roland Hernandez (unbeknownst to me) while I practiced my chipping. Anyway, he came over to me and very politely offered to give me a few tips that he thinks might improve my chipping skill. Evidently, the need was that obvious. He spent about 20 minutes with me and I have to say there was a marked improvement. So, he informed me about a special series of lessons being offered by Elite Golf Schools.I thanked him and said I would keep the offer in mind.My history in trying to find the “Holy Grail” answer to golf has been futile over the last 40+ years. I have taken lessons from several different PGA Instructors and never really gained any improvement with my game. Thinking about spending more money on golf instruction was not at the top of my list.
Fast forward a few days and I’m playing with my usual enemies and on the first hole my second shot on a par 4 was about 6 feet off the green and about 25 feet from the pin.I chip it in for birdie and I experienced such an improvement that day in my chipping, I start thinking, maybe this guy (Roland) could help other parts of my game.Sometimes it doesn’t take much.Besides, it’s not like I’m saving up for a full set of PXG clubs.I signed up for the 4 month lesson plan and I improved my handicap by 4, but the best part was the confidence in thinking I can and will play better.I had one lesson a week and I tried to practice at least an hour or more 4 times a week.
Okay, now that you made it through all the above, here is why I recommend signing up to take lessons from any of the instructors at Elite Golf Schools of Arizona. It is my experience they have a genuine interest in improving the skills of their students.They have a system they believe in, but they are flexible in dealing with different levels of skill and physical limitations.You will end up believing in their system as well. If you want to get better at golf and you are willing to listen and put in a scheduled routine of practice, you will not find a better team of instructors than the people at Elite Golf Schools at Augusta Ranch Golf Course.They improved my game and they can improve yours, especially, if you have more time to devote to lessons and practice than me.

Paul Bowman

The lessons that I have received at Elite Golf Schools of Arizona have been extremely helpful. My coach, Roland Hernandez, has been teaching me the finer points of the game. When I first came into the program it became quite evident that my self-taught swing was not cutting it. With Roland’s help, I have developed a system on my swing that consistent and understandable. We have also been working on a piece of the game that I needed more shot making ability on, my short game. Both areas of my game have improved greatly and, as a result, my scores have gone down. I would recommend Elite Golf Schools to anyone who is looking to improve their entire game. Plus all of the instructors are incredibly knowledgeable and friendly.

Brett Grooters

Roland is a highly effective coach that knows how to teach a proper golf swing using methods that are easy to understand and implement. Each lesson was incredibly valuable as I learned the root causes of my bad shots and how to correct each little error. Not only did Roland help me understand the mechanical fundamentals of a great shot, he also revealed some tools for mental preparation that are so crucial to playing a successful round. I recommend Roland’s coaching to anyone who wants to improve their game for price that is very reasonable and well worth the investment.

Tracy Beyers

Elite coach Riley Andrews is the perfect coach. His personable way of teaching lends itself to a pleasurable learning experience. Riley has a way of building your self-esteem as he builds your skill set. It does not matter if you are on the range, the putting green, or if he has you on the golf course, he helps you gain control of your game. He teaches you the basics, the mechanics, and more importantly, course management. Every aspect of my game has improved. My short game, my ability to get up-and-down, my putting, mental game, and golf swing have all improved. Because of Riley I enjoy the game at a new level.

Matt Johnson

My golf journey started in a small Midwest town with a 9 hole course and no practice tee. My dad introduced me to the game at a young age and I was a self-coached golfer from Golf Digest pictures and watching golf on TV. Hard work and practice got me to a low single digit handicap by college where I was in a golf management program. Having the dream of playing golf professionally, I left college early and I tried my hand at mini-tour golf. During this time I knew that not having a coach was holding me back in many ways. I found a swing teacher and started to refine my technique, but perhaps the most important aspect of my game was neglected; my confidence. Despite playing the best golf of my life I never got the impression that he thought I “had what it takes” to making playing my career. I hung up my cleats, went back to school and touched my clubs perhaps a handful of times over the next 12 years.
I met Riley last summer after my desire to play tournament golf had been rekindled. I knew I needed a guide who believed in me, not just a swing coach. From our very first interaction, I knew that the trajectory of my game had changed with Riley in my camp. He challenges me, he believes in me and most of all, he inspires me to be the best that I can be on every swing. He knows just when to talk about technique and make observations and when it’s the game between the ears that needs the attention. Dr. Bob Rotella said “Confidence is playing with your eyes.” Since working with Riley, I have been playing with my eyes more than ever in my life.

Ron Shoenbeck

I signed up for a three month Game Improvement session at the EGS Augusta Ranch location with Riley Andrews to lower my golf score.This is a more advanced program Riley offers which is outstanding. Riley is the best golf instructor I have ever had. He uses simple but effective techniques including medicine ball exercises, mental game advancement, helps to fix ‘your swing’ rather than reinventing a new one, and on course training which is very helpful.
Riley has a professional attitude along with a great personality and exceptional teaching skills. When my friends ask about taking lessons, I recommend they contact Riley for this advanced program. Last Thursday I shot 79 at Ken McDonald! Many thanks to Riley for helping me to reach this goal!
Elite Golf

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