Why Elite Golf Schools Is a Great Investment in Your Child

Golf School Gilbert Arizona

Why Elite Golf Schools Is a Great Investment in Your Child

September 4, 2014

I am writing this letter as a recommendation for Elite Golf Schools of Arizona. Approximately a year ago, I had registered my son Bryan Beyer into this prestigious program. As a parent you want the best for your children and you work to guide your child to be respectful, considerate, set achievable goals and encounter great morals and life values.

Elite Golf Schools program is just that. It’s not only a program to teach great golf skills but also life skills. Bryan has grown into a well-rounded young man due to EGS’s leadership and dedication to making their juniors successful. Bryan is taking what he is learning at EGS and implementing it at school, home, and anywhere he goes. Bryan has shown great growth in his personal development and golf game due to EGS.

Bryan had never played golf until a year ago. In this short amount of time EGS has enabled him to excel at his game with great rewards. Bryan has qualified for many tournaments such as U.S. Kids, JGAA, and Dual in the Desert in Las Vegas due to the skills he is learning from EGS. This has made him want to continue to excel in golf and his personal development.

As a parent I cannot say enough about the exceptional leadership and skills that Bryan has encountered from EGS. This program teaches not only the game of golf but valuable life lessons that will enable young boys and girls to excel in life. I have complete confidence that there is no other program out there that is as dedicated to young players as EGS. If you want your child to learn not only great golf but life lessons too, then I recommend you sign up for EGS.

If you have any specific questions or concerns of my experience please call me at: 602-930-5541.

Dan Beyer

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