How To Improve Your Golf Short Game

Tips That You Can Use To Upgrade Your Short Game

Many people think the only thing that counts when playing golf is hitting the ball far. While this is important, you must consider other factors to improve your short game.

If you want to play well, you need to master your short game. This includes everything from the accuracy of your shots to getting control of the ball on the greens. A good short game will make all the difference on the course, so it is worth practicing regularly.

There are many tips that you can use to improve your short game. In this article, a Cave Creek junior golf instructor will explain some of them. 

Upgrading Your Short Game in AZ

Master The Fundamentals

Remember that for distances of 25-40 yards, a smooth, coordinated swing action is essential for gaining the necessary distance and motion control to get the ball close.

In short, the backswing and follow-through distances should be almost equal, and the swing’s speed should have a smooth momentum. In other words, there should be no panic or sudden effort to hit the ball.

Maintain a weight balance that slightly favors the lead foot during setup and the swing. You should feel your hands, arms, and upper torso working together as you turn to face the pin. We prefer to see players standing ‘tall’ and balanced on the forward foot, with their hands and arms opposite the center of their bodies.

Use Much Less Loft Pitching From Poofy Rough

Shots out of the fluffy rough can be challenging if you’re close to the grass. For this case, you must control the elevation and distance of the shot’s airborne and roll components.

Although intimidating, it’s not impossible to hit the ball effortlessly with enough practice, especially after mastering the fundamentals we mentioned before. Moreover, you can dominate these techniques with a qualified Mesa junior golf instructor. But once again, you need practice! 

For shoots out of the fluffy rough, it’s recommended not to use your loftiest wedge. Use a mid wedge instead (50-54 degrees). Place the ball on the inside of the back foot, with your weight leaning slightly toward the lead foot.

Next, slightly expand the clubface to reveal the bounce of the club’s sole. If you want to perform a soft, simple pitching swing – a waist-high back is enough.

Try not to pull the ball out of the grass. Let the clubhead drop smoothly and make fractional contact with the grass behind the ball.

You’re more likely to thin or top the ball if you make first contact with it. The goal is for the club to move down just below the ball. What you want to do is ‘gather it up,’ which means sending the ball up softly and controlling its path to the flag.

Practice Your Bunker Basics

You should have nothing to worry about if you have a good lie in a bunker.

Many golf players ignore the importance of bunker basics, but they’re crucial to dominating short games. By understanding how bunkers work, you’ll be able to play with smoother moves. The help of a  Cave Creek junior golf instructor is highly recommended for this.

Let’s see the theory behind it so you can practice it whenever possible:

Choose your loftiest wedge (usually 56-60 degrees). Your stance should be wider than usual, and your knees should be slightly flexed to give the impression that you’re squatting down into the ground. Get a firm footing in the sand. Now ‘open’ your stance slightly (left for right-handers) and position the club slightly opposite (to the right).

Maintain your weight on the front foot and the ball forward in your stance (inside forward heel). To help elevate the ball gently upward and on its way toward the flag, use the bounce of the club properly so that it runs down, under the ball, and into the sand.

Compared to a pitch shot, you’ll need a longer swing because the club’s speed will slow down when it hits the sand. Consider the hands swinging from shoulder height to shoulder height.

As you swing through, keep your weight forward and turn your body to face the flagstick.

Make a Centered Strike

You must hit putts from the center of the clubface because it affects distance and direction.

You can practice this movement at a trusted Gilbert junior golf school to correct any mistakes you make. 

This is how you can make this drill:

Start three feet away from the hole Place two tee pegs, one on each side of the putter head and with enough space to pass through during the stroke.

After that, place each ball in the middle of the putter’s face and make the stroke. If you hit the ball smoothly, you’ve already struck the ball in the sweet spot. But, if you get a tee peg, your stroke is wrong. 

Make a Putt From The Apron

It’s usually safer to use a putter from the apron if the grass is in good condition.

In this situation, you can try a longer putting stroke to compensate for the apron grass being some milimeters longer than the grass. 

In either case, you must practice this to get the hang of judging the two speeds!

Find A Reliable Mesa Golf School

Last but not least, we recommend you contact a top-rated golf school to practice the best way possible. Call Elite Golf Schools of Arizona to improve your golf game with the pros! 

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Elite Golf Schools Of Arizona

4415 E Village Pkwy
Gilbert, AZ 85297
Office: 480-757-2107


33750 N Dove Lakes Dr
Cave Creek, AZ 85331

Office: 480-744-0272


9808 Sunningdale Blvd
Lone Tree, CO 80124
Office: 303-708-1090

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