Golf and Goal Setting: a Perfect Match for Young Athletes

Golf and Goal Setting: a Perfect Match for Young Athletes

January 31, 2016
With A Focus On Progress And Technique, Elite Golf helps Young Players Set Personal Improvement Goals
With a focus on progress and technique, Gold Canyon Golf School helps young players set personal improvement goals.

The first time Elite Golf student Tyler Reese recorded a par, he said it was “amazing.” He received it on Hole 9 at Augusta Ranch, and still remembers it. At Elite Golf, we encourage students to set their goals, record them in a notebook (or their own format choice), and track their accomplishments.

Goal setting can start at a young age. This is important in academics, sports and life. The Academy of Pediatrics recommends that grade-school children be exposed to sports with a goal to better themselves, “for personal improvement” and “accomplishing more things than the last time.”

Elite Golf creates an ideal setting for this – with the focus on progress and technique. We aim to help our young golfers with these steps, setting them up to continue the game or transfer these skills to other aspects of their life.

Dr. Paul Stricker of the American Academy of Pediatrics said in a recent website post that the focus of sports for young children should be on “development.”

Most children go through sports skill milestones in a sequence that we cannot change or speed up to the degree most of us would want. However, knowing the way things progress will allow parents, coaches, and doctors to encourage new accomplishments, celebrate little successes, be excited about the ones to come, and not expect a skill way before it’s time,” he wrote.

Our instructors do this through a number of ways, from breaking down swing form to fine-tuning work on the putting green. We expose our students to every aspect of the game, from chipping and driving to game timing and etiquette. With each improvement, we offer praise and challenge students to mark their successes.

We look forward to creating these opportunities and more for all our young golfers. #elitegolf

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